Musim cuti2 ni..lagi dah habis exam sunyi jer DPP masing2 tp yang paling best wireless xpyh ckp la..klik jer terus keluar xd loading2 dah..haha part ni paling aku suka..aku plak konfius nak balik ke xnak cuti ni..12jun dah kena ade kat sni.adoi..Arghhh..lantak la..biar aku settle sendiri..(hahaha)
aku bukan nak cerita pasal aku pn tp ni untuk peminat2 Angry Birds..
sapa kat sni pernah main game android Angry Birds??pasti ada yg pernah main kan???
Sape yg suka game sempoi kompem xkn lepaskn peluang ni..koleksi Angry Birds pun boleh tahan juga..yg dh memang minat sgt ngn bnd ni ape jer brg dye smua sggup beli..
Game dye memg cute and best..huhu
image from google
(tapi ad gak karektor dlm game tu yg aku xberkenan..mau kena samak aje)
koleksi-koleksi Angry Birds
image from google
image from google
image from google
Dorang punya kreatif
image from google
image from google
image from google
join Angry Birds kat KL 11jun2011
Angry Birds nk buat rekod dunia Gunnies
World's Biggest Angry Birds PlayGround, here in Kuala Lumpur!
We are attempting to create a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ for the Most People Playing in a Mobile Phone Game Relay. Come make history, join in the fun and win fantastic prizes! All happening on 11 June 2011 at Boulevard Strip, Low Yat Plaza, KL from 11am - 9pm. The date is set, the birds are ready, the record awaits!
Sign up now at
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